This Python for Data Science course is an introduction to Python and how to apply it in data science. The course contains ~60 lectures and 7.5 hours of content taught by Praba Santanakrishnan, a highly experienced data scientist from Microsoft.
Staring with some fundamentals about “what is data science,” and “who is a data scientist,” the program rapidly move into the specific challenges of data science. This includes the challenges of problem definitions and collecting data, to data pipelines, data preparation, data cleaning and related subjects. Data science methodologies, data analytics tools and open source tools are all covered. Model building validation, visualization and various data science applications are also covered. Discussion of the types of machine learning are covered, including supervised and unsupervised machine learning, as well as methodologies and clustering. NumPy, Pandas, Python Notebook, Git, REPL, IDS and Jupyter Notebook are also covered. Arrays, advanced arrays, and matrices are discussed in some detail to ensure you understand what it is all about and how these tools are implemented.
Who this course is for:
- New Python developers looking to quickly develop and keen understanding of the power of Python
- Early stage users of Python who need to use Python in serious, enterprise level applications
- Individuals who are familiar with data science and need to understand the optimal uses for Python