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Build a Twitter Bot: Spring Boot, Java, Heroku Deployment



Hello and Welcome to my course.

I have a couple of questions for you:

– Are you new to Digital Marketing?

– Want to promote your content over Twitter for Free?

– Do you want to gather more clients?

– How about interaction…do you want your clients to interact more with your content (website, course, product or maybe a blog)?

– Let’s also discuss about your time – I know your time is precious – how about automating this process such as your clients will interact with your product and see it being marketing in an automatic and scheduled way over Twitter?

If you answered YES to any of the previous questions…this course is for you.


Twitter is a social networking service on which users post and interact with messages known as tweets.

Nowadays, A Twitter marketing strategy is a plan centered around creating, publishing, and distributing content for your buyer personas, audience, and followers through the social media platform.

Under this course we will build together a complete, simple, and free to use – a Twitter Bot For Marketing any Product

We will build an app from scratch that will allow you to promote any content that you prefer.

I will provide the complete source code for this course and show you exactly how to use – where and why. Our purpose is….to promote your product isn’t it?


In a few words, we will build the following:

– a Spring Boot based Java Application using Java 11 (LTS)

– a complete and simple to use marketing strategy – that will allow you to promote…basically anything for free over Twitter (will show you with a detailed example that is working)

– automation of this process using scheduled tasks – in this way tweets will be posted automatically

– where do we host our marketing bot? We will use Heroku Cloud (free tier) – so no cost involved here – just push the app and that’s it


More info you might ask? Are you excited?

Good…see you inside the course

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner in Digital Marketing
  • Online marketers
  • Anybody that wants to market any products for free
  • Software engineers, Programmers

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