A Letter For Myself: Self-Affirmations with MRS JOY

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A Letter For Myself: 56 Days To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind For A Healthy & Loving Relationship is developed to increase your love for yourself and for your partner or even for your future partner, if you don’t have one yet.

“A Letter For Myself” is a self-development audio course from MRS JOY’s Academy, where you will find special narrations of MRS JOY, as you are talking with yourself. They help you to reprogram your subconscious mind and imprint the life you love to live. Once your subconscious mind believes you can have what you desire, you will attract and manifest it. Your desired life will run effortless in autopilot.

These inspirational narrations from MRS JOY will imprint positive information for you to act with more self-confidence, self-esteem and kindness through your daily routine.

A Letter For Myself is an evidence-based tool for self-regulation and self-esteem.

It’s also a simple way to practice CBT – Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in your daily life. These short and positive conversations around 3 and 4 minutes, will bring more light, energy and wellbeing into your days.

Let’s go together… to build the life you love!

Make it Shine and Be Your Best.



Founder of Joyful Minds Training, Wellbeing Time and Mrs Joy’s Academy

The World’s Best Online Self-Development Academy for Wellbeing &

Mental Health, Meditation & Mindfulness, High Performance & Success

Who this course is for:

  • If you have a partner and you want to feel more confident inside of yourself and with your own thoughts, this course will help you immensely to achieve a positive and loving mindset. If you still don’t have a partner, these 56 days will help you to create a positive vibrance for you to attract the ideal partner in your life.
  • Everything starts from within. Be the change. Be the healer. Be the greatest lover. Be irresistible. Learn to F.L.Y with MRS JOY: First. Love. Yourself.

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